Sunday June 10th
Brickfields L.N.R
After Friday’s gale force winds I was half expecting some serious Tree damage, only because of the unseasonal gales battering the trees which are nearly in full leaf. Not like the winter high winds or the old ‘March winds’ where the trees are bare!
Well I only found one tree down near the Pond, but it does party block a small path, which is already overgrown. The other sad thing it has flattened the lovely Yellow Flag Iris  (Iris Psudacorus). The water Iris can be a bit invasive, so cutting it  back a bit is not all bad news, however I love the splash of colour it brings to the pond. I didn’t walk through Franks Wood so I don’t know if there is any damage there.

Quite a pleasant  walk around this morning, great to see the sun shining again. The birds were singing and in good voice. A nice Song Thrush was singing, others included Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Whitethroats. Two Cuckoo’s calling as well, calling to each other across the reserve, sounded like two males, the female has an ‘bubbling trill’ sometimes when excited, with the well known “goo-ku”. The best viewing though, were a pair of Bullfinches.  That would be nice if they bred there!  Except from the birds that were singing, other birds seen, Jay, Blackbird, Wren, Dunnock, Green Woodpecker and a nice mixed party of (3) Great tits, (2) Blue tits and (3) Long tailed tits feeding together flying from tree to tree. Four Mallards flew over the pond, didn’t stop though. The pair of Moorhen and their two fast growing young was still there.
Enjoy your week, Bye for now.

Picures of the damaged Tree : Click on photo's to enlarge

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