Brickfields – A bit of catching up first. On Wednesday 30th November  I gave an illustrated talk about Cranham Brickfields to The Upminster & District Probus Club in the lovely large dining hall at the Cranleigh Hotel, Hornchurch. I think it went down well, that 's the talk, but there again so did the three course lunch! I’m not use to moving about and speaking on a full stomach and with a ‘mike’ attached to my tie I was praying I didn’t burp ! Prayer answered !
A very nice group of people. I hope they had been encouraged to visit Brickfields more often.

Then last week I had a heavy cold...Man Flu, I don't know how I survived, it  kept me in doors for a week.

Yesterday Saturday 12th a nice couple of local residents who use Brickfields regularly, reported to me that some damage had been done to the surface of the Pond dipping platform. After a brief walk around to see the damage ( it could have been worse ) Any damage is a pity really. The non slip material was only installed about a week ago. It was installed to prevent accidents to visitors when on the platform, saves them from slipping in wet conditions and ending up in the pond! It has been reported and hopefully a repair can be made shortly.
Platform damage, the non slip decking, five strips and a smaller strip on the corner have been levered up as the  screws are still in place.

On a happier note I saw the first Redwings ( 6 ) of the winter feeding on berries on the reserve this morning. Although it was grey and a little chilly, there were plenty of birds about. A couple of small mix parties of Great tits, Blue tits moving around the reserve, noisily  going through the trees and shrubs for insects and seeds. Other birds seen Dunnocks (4), Blackbirds (2) both males, Chaffinches (4 ) 1 male, 3 females. One Kestrel hovering over the back field and a pair of Mallards on the pond. A lack of Robins today, only saw one. Heard  a Green Woodpecker and a few Jays.
Redwings feeding on berries.

Looks like some bad weather heading our way this week, gale force wind and rain.....don’t mind the rain..we need it.
Bye for now

Brickfields NLR
A small window of opportunity to visit this afternoon. The foggy conditions lifted about 2:00pm, so a quick walk around the reserve and it had to be quick, as it starts to get dark at 3:30pm. Well not much about including people, I think I was the only one.
Apart from the gloomy weather, the leaves still on the trees look lovely, some golden browns and yellows amongst them. Give it another couple of weeks and all the leaves will be gone, leaving bear branches. This  makes it easier for the beginner to birdwatching. You can see the birds that you could only hear before, don’t worry with experience you’ll find them.
This afternoon there were 2 Blackbirds, 4 Chaffinches, 3 Robins, 5 Blue tits, 2 Great tits, 3 Jays, 1 Dunnock and of course the usual Carrion Crows, Collared Doves and Wood Pigeons.  Interesting though, were several Pied Wagtails (8) pecking through the recently mowed grass on the back field, they were keeping very close together. On the pond were 4 Mallards (2pairs) 1 Moorhen. Overhead 3 Lesser Black Backed Gull were flying low and also a juvenile Heron.

Last Thursday (17th) a photo shoot was taken over Cranham Marsh for the local papers about the new installation of the wood carvings and the Interpretation boards. Now you can walk a path to and from Brickfields. Its 2 ½ miles or 5 miles return if you fancy it, more about that later.
Bye for now

Brickfields L.N.R
Dim & Dank, no,  not a new comedy duo, that’s how Brickfields was this morning, around about 9:00am. Visibility not so good, so not a good morning for birdwatching, but still very mild, however the Robins and there were a good few, singing to mark their territories. Small parties of Great tits with a couple of Blue tits amongst them searching through the trees, looking for insects. A couple of Jays were on the ground, pecking around. Still plenty of Acorns for them to store away. Other birds seen; female Chaffinch, Dunnock, Wren,  Pied Wagtail, several Goldfinches, a Green Woodpecker, three male Blackbirds and of course the usual, Carrion Crows, Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves and an increase in the number of Starlings and House Sparrows. No sightings of Fieldfares or Redwings on the reserve yet, but there are a good few around locally.

The water level in the pond has risen a little from the rain last week, but is still low, but I’m sure it will be back to normal as the winter rain arrives.

Bye for now.

Brickfields L.N.R
I have recently been undertaking illustrated talks about the Brickfields reserve using ‘PowerPoint’ from a computer and I have enjoyed doing it. I have met some very nice people as well!
I have undertaken two presentations for the Havering Ratepayers Association ( H.R.A. ) one in Cranham and the other was on Wednesday ( 2nd ) of this week in Upminster. I must say the H.R.A are very supportive of any local community projects and I am very pleased to say of Brickfields and myself. The talks were advertised in their monthly ‘Bulletin’ and have been well attended. The point is more people are getting to know how good Brickfields is to visit and are surprised about the Wildlife within it.  I am aware that Brickfields has had a bit of history of dumped cars, fly tipping and some anti social behaviour in the past. However Havering council to their credit have cleaned the place up, installed hardcore paths, planted Trees, although volunteers have also put some productive time in as well. So through this website hopefully people can see how Brickfields has changed for the better and visit it more often, you might as well get your money’s worth, yes its free to visit, but as Ratepayers, like myself, we are paying for it indirectly. Money well spent, but that my opinion, but I am biased!
I  now have three other bookings confirmed to give the presentation too. But it is not about me...it’s about Brickfields having a lasting legacy to be able to give pleasure not only to the present local residents,but the future one’s as well. Also to be a safe haven for Wildlife, whose habitats are constantly under threat. I hope my two Grandchildren will enjoy Brickfields in years to come.
Future plans - What I plan to do over the winter months is try and organise a sort of ‘Friends of Brickfields’  where hopefully like minded people might be willing to met and perhaps undertake some voluntary tasks and help keep the reserve looking tidy, help with guided tours or just keep a  general eye on the place. Even 1hr a month could make a difference. Some people attending the two talks have expressed an interest and I have had some very nice comments made and some interesting questions asked as well, like what can I do to help !
All I can say at the moment is things can only get better !
Bye for now

23rd October 2011
Brickfields LNR
Had a look, just before lunchtime today - The Newt is still there!  I think I'm becoming paranoid about the new carvings and the information board. Just a little worried about them being damaged or stolen. A lot of work had gone into them and they are a lovely addition to the reserve. Still can't do much about it if it does happen.
Two more Grey Wagtails seen today around the pond. I go two years with only seeing one over there and in a week I have six sightings!
 I'm on the lookout for Bullfinches, I have only had one sighting and that was last year, but someone, a reliable source, heard one on Friday, so I am going to check it out this week.
Bye for now.
21st October 2011
Brickfields LNR
.....No it’s a lovely carved Great Crested Newt, synonymous with the Brickfields pond as the Great Crested Newt breeds in  there. This Newt is on the endangered species list and protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.
Well the Newt has been installed on the Pond dipping platform, see the pictures and click on to enlarge. It was supposed to be fitted on Thursday but a ‘technical’ problem stopped it. Anyway it is now fixed, hopefully securely, I know how it is secured, and it’s going to take some effort to remove it. I am hoping for lots of rain this winter so as the water level rises, this will make a better visual effect with the water lapping up to the newts tail ! Go see it and enjoy.
Other than that, a pair of Grey Wagtails were flying around feeding on the insect life on the muddy banks. A party of Long- tailed tits were searching through the tops of the trees for food. A good few Chaffinches, Great tits and Woodpeckers about. I saw and counted five Green Woodpeckers. They could be heard with that ‘Laughing Yaffle’ alarm call as well.
Bye for now.

19th October 2011
Brickfields LNR
Well I’m led to believe, the Newt arrives tomorrow morning. It will be installed at the Pond dipping platform. It’s a very large, lovely wood carving, expertly done. I don’t think you will be able to miss it. I wonder what a Heron will make of it, they rather like to eat newts, but not this one, I’ll bet !
Might see you over Brickfields tomorrow. Say hello if you see me, I’ll be wearing a Green Baseball cap with a little mouse on it, not a real one, I’m not that mad .....yet !
Cranham Marsh Reserve
Now seeing it was a bright morning with a ‘nip’ in the air, I thought I’ll take a walk over Cranham Marsh. I went over there to see the new sculptures and the interpretation boards. I did not do the walk from Brickfields ( it’s 2 ½ miles if you wanted too ) I cheated and drove there by car.  However, I did walk around the whole reserve and there was plenty to see, noted; Wren (4), Robin(2) Blackbird (4), Goldfinch (10), Chaffinch (3) Green Woodpecker (2), Great spotted woodpecker ( 2) and not one of my favourite birds Ring-Necked Parakeets, I counted 7, noisy things! Even 2 Red Admiral butterflies were flitting about when it warmed up a bit.

So when you have seen Brickfields LNR, continue on and visit Cranham Marsh, you won’t be disappointed, the Sculptures are great, it’s a must visit. Well done to everyone there! Both reserves are supported by Havering Council and managed by Essex Wildlife Trust.

On the way back home to Cranham, I also stopped at The Thames Chase centre to have a nice pot of Tea and I could not resist a nice slice of homemade bread pudding.....well I had walked all around Cranham Marsh, got to keep up the energy levels and all that !

I could have stopped at the ‘Thatched House’......Pity I was driving !

Bye for now.

16th October 2011
Now where was I..Oh yes, the Juvenile Sparrowhawk ! I have often seen Sparrowhawks flying over my garden and over Brickfields, but never in my garden. So it was a big surprise to have one sitting on my garage roof, near the bird table, looking straight at me, on Friday morning. I had just sat down in the conservatory with a cup of tea and looked out of the window and as a habit, looked at the bird table and feeder. Then I looked as a double take and wishing I had my camera at hand. It was a juvenile bird, I know this by its colouring. It sat there for a about 30 seconds ( which is a long time) before swooping off and hurdling the garden fences as it went, up and down it swooped scattering Starlings, Goldfinches, House Sparrows and Collared Doves as it went. Then it disappeared over the roof tops. A nice start to the day.

Later on Friday about lunchtime, my wife and I took our two dogs for a walk over Brickfields. An excuse to show my wife the new Information board ( what an exciting life we lead ! ). It was still there ! Walking around I saw a new species of bird for our list, a Grey Wagtail, its back is Grey but it has a lovely yellow in its underparts. It was flitting around the edge of the pond looking for insects. Also around the pond was a Common Darter doing the same (see pictures of the species).

Common Darter ( Dragonfly)


Grey Wagtail

Today (Sunday) another look around the pond to see if the Grey Wagtail was still about, no such luck. I have see one before, over Brickfields, about this time last year, but I was not recording the list then, nor was this website born, so I have added it to the list now. Also added another bird to the list today as a Cormorant flew over the pond, probably heading for Stubbers lakes, it was flying in that direction.
I am very pleased at the amount of visitors who are stopping to look at the information board and admiring the wood carvings. Some really good comments made......But most make the same comment of  " wonder how long it will last" meaning about it being vandalised !  Well you have to try and make it a nice place to visit or the wreckers will only win.
If the nice decent people who I have spoken to over the week-end continue to visit, even just to walk their dogs and encourage others to visit, then that alone cuts down on anti-social behaviour and vandalism, because the weckers don't like an audience they tend to do things behind peoples backs or in the dark, thats how sad they are.
Anyway good times ahead...... The fixing of the big carved Newt has been delayed, but will be installed very soon....Now that will be a talking point !
Bye for now !
15th October 2011

Brickfields LNR

It’s been a busy week, a couple of new additions to the nature list and an eyeball to eyeball account with a Juvenile Sparrowhawk, a delivery and installation of a new caved  information  board, a bit of ground maintenance with the trimming of the overgrowing pathway and cutting back an overgrown tree.
So let start at the beginning....shown in Photo’s below - Thursday 13th  a delivery of the Information Board with posts....and installation with the finished item.  Click on picture to enlarge
While they were installing the Information Board – Dave & Steve from The Thames Chase volunteers and I trimmed back  the overgrown pathway, pruned the trees , where the branches had started to grow over the path, which were under head height and generally tidied up. We also cut back a tree at one corner of the path, making more light and a better view. As soon as we had finished a Red Breasted foreman came and inspected the work ( see the photos)  I think he only came for the food !
I think they said the Foreman name was  'Robin'.
Not a good picture,because he would not keep still !

    Can you see him ?

Tomorrow I will continue and tell you about the new additions to the nature list and an eyeball to eyeball account with a Juvenile
 Sparrowhawk, visitors comments and " where's the Big Newt then ? ".
Bye for now.